
We thought that it can be fun and insightful to point out a few facts about hearing as many of us are in the dark when it comes to the types of hearing loss. From hearing health to hearing aid use, types of earwax to sound waves, we’ve got it covered. Below we are going to discuss five facts about hearing that’ll make the penny drop!

Hearing loss isn’t exclusive to older people

All too often, people think of hearing loss as an ‘old people’ thing. But more and more we are finding that hearing loss occurs in those under the age of 65. While it’s true that older people’s hearing deteriorates with time; there’s more than one way to experience hearing loss. For instance, a single exposure to loud noise can lead to permanent hearing damage. A very interesting fact about hearing is that if you are exposed to over eight hours of 90 decibels, it can cause harm to your hearing. One instance of a very high decibel noise such as a gunshot at 140 decibels can have the same effect in seconds.

Genetic and injury-based factors are also common for hearing loss. And these often occur at a younger age too. As a result, the ear has the smallest bones in our body, so it’s no surprise that our ears are easier to damage than most. It can be as simple and a moment of not focusing where a misplaced cotton swab can lead to hearing loss. As a result, it proves that our hearing health can be affected by just about anything. Auditory nerve damage may also lead to hearing loss. Realistically, there are many different causes of hearing loss. But the fact is that hearing loss isn’t just for the elderly. It can happen to anyone, at any age.

Earwax is actually pretty good for your ears

How many times have we become squeamish when it comes to earwax? The interesting fact about hearing here is that a bit of ear wax is a good thing! And you might think why? We often think that earwax is a gross thing that we generally don’t want in our bodies. You may want to give up the ear candling because a certain amount of wax is reasonable and healthy for our bodies. Earwax is a sticky combination of sweat, skin cells, and oil. It forms a protective barrier within the outer ear, keeping the area clean and healthy.

But, on the contrary, there are some instances where it can also indicate a problem. Wet earwax may suggest an infection, while dry earwax is healthier. It’s worth visiting us at Strauss Audiology if your wax is causing problems and you experience some form of hearing loss or other issues. In general earwax is a handy thing to have around after all.

You never stop hearing – even when you’re asleep at night

Isn’t it strange to think that our bodies don’t shut off when we do for the night? There are specific processes that slow down, but your body never stops and for obvious reasons. You still need to breathe and digest. But one body function you may not know is on constantly is your hearing. Even when we are in a deep sleep, we can still have sound waves making their way down the ear canal and being interpreted by our brain. Your brain then chooses whether to block the noise out.

This is the reason why loud noises – a child crying, something falling, or an alarm going off – wakes us up in the night. We’re always listening, whether we want to or not. According to scientific study, the ability to hear and wake ourselves from sound when we sleep is because of the smart ‘vigilance’ system in our brains. It means that we can sleep through traffic yet wake up at the sound of a baby crying or a child calling for mommy or daddy — how interesting!

Our ears are amongst the most essential parts of our balancing system

If you’ve ever had an ear infection, you’ve likely felt the sense of being off-balance. This is because our ears can directly impact our balance. One of the significant symptoms of an ear infection is vertigo. This condition often makes you feel dizzy or shaky and can often lead to nausea.

Combined with your eyes and our joints, the inner ear forms a large part of our overall ability to balance. If you are or have been struggling with balance, we recommend you see your GP or us at Strauss Audiology as a starting point.

Using a hearing aid can prevent hearing loss from getting worse

Did you know that hearing aids can actively provide a way to prevent hearing loss from becoming worse? There are obviously instances where certain types of genetic or age-related hearing loss cannot be avoided, but others can. What hearing aids provide is a way to grasp sounds better.

Not being able to listen to what’s going on around you can directly impact the auditory processing in your brain, whether it’s a loss of certain tones or decreased hearing overall. Hearing aids prevent these parts from weakening by bringing them back into constant use. As a result, you can push your brain to start understanding sound and translating it again. It is definitely possible to maintain a level of hearing loss without making your hearing worse over time. It is worth your while to get hearing aids if that is where you are at with your hearing, and we are here to help you in the process.

About Strauss Audiology
Strauss Audiology is a professional audiology business in the northern suburbs of Cape Town, offering expert, effective hearing advice that is tailored to clients’ unique hearing needs. We conduct hearing evaluations, hearing tests and vertigo assessments, and provide a range of solutions to improve and protect clients’ hearing. This includes providing hearing aids to Cape Town clients. With 16 years of experience, and with the qualifications and certifications to deliver leading hearing care, you can trust us to take care of your hearing needs.

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